The credit card you place on file in the Billing Info section of your account is the card we will charge for any and all of the possible charge types referenced in our Services & Fees documentation.
If this credit card is declined, the following actions will be taken:
We will provide you with seven days to update your billing information without any interruption in service.
On the eighth day of nonpayment, you will be unable to log into your account. If e-commerce is set up on your site, cart checkout will be temporarily disabled.
- After 26 days of nonpayment, your account will be suspended and your public website will be privatized.
- After 180 days of nonpayment, your account will be terminated and any images stored with PhotoShelter will be deleted.
When this credit card is due to expire, we will send numerous account reminders (if necessary) by email in an attempt to avoid any service interruption. Email notifications will continue throughout the lockout process in an effort to keep you abreast of any changes to your account.