Looking for a quick and easy way to let your site visitors know where to follow you on social media? Our Site Builder offers a built-in icon generator that allows you to display social follow icons such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. without any coding required.
When previewing your site in Edit Mode, you’ll find social media "placeholder" icons inside a dotted blue box on your homepage (location varies by template; see below). Click the blue pencil icon next to the box to choose which ones you'd like to display.
You'll now see that you can activate the icons by entering your information in the Site Builder. You may choose the order of the icons by dragging and dropping them into place. The icons will share your chosen template's color scheme.
Simply enter your info (in most cases it’s what appears at the end of your social profile page URL) for any icon you would like displayed (any that you leave blank will not be visible).
Twitter: username (e.g. photoshelter)
Note: Does not need the @ symbol.
Facebook: username or business page name (e.g. rachelreiss or photoshelter)
Note: If you have yet to claim your Vanity URL for your Facebook page, you’ll need to use the ID Facebook provides (e.g. 857469375913). Learn how you can create your own vanity name for Facebook here.
Instagram: username (e.g. photoshelter)
Vimeo: username (e.g. photoshelter)
LinkedIn: customized public profile username (e.g. rachelkreiss)
Note: LinkedIn requires a public profile name, which may only be found after customizing your public profile URL in your LinkedIn account. Learn how you can create your custom URL here.
Tumblr: blog name (e.g. rachelreiss)
Pinterest: username (rachelreiss)
Google+: ID (e.g. +rachelreiss)
500px: username (e.g. rachelreiss)
Using the above examples, your social follow settings may end up looking something like this:
The social follow icons will display in the best location for the template you are using, as follows:
- Element & East: Beneath your site's left-hand navigation
- Downtown: In the center of your site's footer
- Pivot: Depends on navigation placement; if "left" is selected, the icons will display beneath the nav items. If "top" is selected, the icons will display beneath your logo.
- Horizon: Bottom right corner of your homepage and portfolio footer
- Shuffle: Beneath your logo
- Sonnet: Bottom center of your site's navigation
- Promenade: Top right corner of your site's navigation
- Marquee: Bottom right corner of your homepage (atop your full bleed image)